Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Islamification of Europe

[This post is not part of the Source of Authority series. I will post the next in that series tonight]

On today's National Review Online website, Clifford May writes an article entitled "The European Caliphate." He is citing Bat Ye’or's new non-fiction book, Europe, Globalization, and the Coming Universal Caliphate. In her book, she predicts that Europe will not remain multi-cultural for long, but will become 'Eurabia'. [Full disclosure: I have not read her book, only Clifford May's article about it. I just became aware of her book this morning.]

This is of particular interest to me, because it is precisely what I predicted when I began writing my novel, Outlander Chronicles: Phoenix, several years ago. One of the major back-stories of the tale is the Islamification of Europe. In fact, according to the Outlander timeline I created before writing the novel, the European Union becomes the IEU, the Islamic European Union in 2028.

According to the timeline, it is, for the most part, a peaceful takeover. After being beset by riots in all major cities, on June 27, 2022, Britain enacts Sharia law that has been tailored to British needs by a council of Muslim clerics meeting in Westminster Abbey [irony, anyone?].

France and Germany follow suit in 2025. In early 2028, non-Muslims are purged from the ranks of the military forces of the three nations. In July of 2028, all EU countries that have continued to resist Sharia are invaded by the combined forces of Britain, France, and Germany. At this point, the Islamic takeover of the EU is complete.

Let's hope that this, and the rest of my timeline, remains fiction.


  1. My dad told me that in the 1980's his friend from Egypt warned that the greatest future threat to Christianity would be radical Islam (the Islamization of any country). At that time my dad didn't really get it ~ he thought radical Muslims were just a "middle-east" religion/problem ~ now he "gets it." Great post ~ thank you for sharing!!

  2. Thanks, Alice. By the birthrate statistics alone, even if there was not an intentionality on the part of Islamists, Islam will overrun the continent within several generations. Old Europe is an endangered species.
