Sunday, March 27, 2011

Creative Writing: The End

Have you ever wondered, on takeoff, if this flight would be your last?

This 600 word piece, entitled The End, I originally wrote for this year's Jackson Hole Writer's Conference. They have a contest this year for flash fiction; the winner gets free registration to the conference.

Unfortunately I am not able to go this year so I did not wind up submitting it. Maybe next year.

1 comment:

  1. This flash fiction entry was very well-done. I don't know if it's long enough, word count-wise, to submit elsewhere for writer's contests (etc.), but you should consider building upon this story. In 600 words, you manage to successfully connect the audience to this main character. Think of how much more poignant the ending might be if you had more time to establish a deeper emotional bond to this character. Just a thought :)
